Looking For An Organized Housekeeper. Reach me on 647 and 954 and last digits are 6272 thanks (C-110)

Looking For An Organized Housekeeper. Reach me on 647 and 954 and last digits are 6272 thanks (C-110)

21 Jan
Quebec City

21 Jan


Quebec City

Looking For An Organized Housekeeper. Reach me on 647 and 954 and last digits are 6272 thanks

Quebec G1A, Quebec

$174 - $2243 days, 9 Hr.

Not interested

We are looking for a general cleaner with experience. We need help with services such as Window cleaning, Wall cleaning and Floor cleaning. I'm very excited to find the right match. Please send us a message if you are interested. Reach me on 647 and 954 and last digits are 6272 thanks


Created by Rob.
on 18/01/2025

Job Details

3 days, 9 Hr.

Starts: Shortly

About Home

3 Bedrooms

1 Bathroom

Desired services

Window cleaning

Wall cleaning

Furniture cleaning

Floor cleaning

Why a rate range?

The rate ranges presented are based on local averages. After applying, you can specify your desired rate and negotiate it during the hiring process.

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